

This was our first major trip and it was part of our Honeymoon in 1990. We had planned to live at three different Islands – Mahé, Praslin and La Digue. Mahé Praslin La Digue

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Chiang Mai


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Luang Prabang

The difference between Vientiane and Luang Prabang is very noticeable. Luang Prabang has a calm and very relaxed atmosphere. The buildings have a colonial style look.

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Gibbon Experience

English OR Svenska Gibbon Experience – i Huay Xai Efter 2 dagar på Mekong floden kom vi äntligen fram till staden Huay Xai. Det finns inte så många hotell, så vi bodde en liten bit utanför staden. Följande morgon, åtnjöt vi en god frukost med cappuccino, och gick sedan  in till Gibbon Experience kontoret i Huay Xai. Vi tittade på några videos angående säkerheten och hur man spänner fast sig innan man använder ziplinen. Det finns några olika turer att […]

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Gibbon Experience

English OR Svenska Gibbon Experience – in Huay Xai After 2 days on the Mekong River we finally arrived into the small town of Huay Xai. The hotels are very few, we stayed a little bit in the outskirt of the town.  The following morning, after enjoying a good breakfast and cappuccino, we stepped in to the Gibbon Experience Office in Huay Xai. We were watching some security videos regarding how to fasten yourself before using the ziplines. There are […]

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Mekong River

We boarded the boat from Luang Prabang early in the morning. The day started with a heavy rain.

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