
December 20, 2001

Pangkor Laut

Pangkor Laut is an Island about 3h drive north of Kuala Lumpur. Dining Bungalow Spa Village

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July 27, 2001

Kuala Lumpur

Malaysia’s capital town Kuala Lumpur or K.L has about 2 millions citizens where old and new buildings are mixed.At one time the world’s tallest...

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July 26, 2001


Langkawi is an island in the north west corner of Malaysia. The island has some great beaches, the most famous ones are Pantai Cenang...

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July 25, 2001

Sabah – Sepilok

Sepilok’s rehabilitation center for orangutans is located outside Sandakan. This is one of the largest sights in Sabah. In this center they take care...

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July 24, 2001

Sabah – Danum Valley

From Sepilok we took a bus to Lahad Datu and then traveled further with a mini bus (100 km) into the real rain forest...

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July 23, 2001

Sabah – Kota Kinabalu / Mount Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu The Capital town in Sabah is Kota Kinabalu (or simply K.K) and it has about 200,000 citizens.The citizens are mainly Malay, Chinese,...

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