
July 20, 2018


The republic of Singapore is one of the worlds smallest countries. Singapore or Singa Pura (Lion City) has around 6 million citizens. There are...

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July 18, 2001


Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) has 9 millions citizens.Add to that about 2.5 million of mopeds/motorcycles. One advantage of that is that...

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July 16, 2001

Hoi An

We bought bus tickets to Hoi An in Saigon. These are “open tickets” where you decide your final destination of the bus trip. On...

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July 15, 2001


Note: This trip was made in 2001 Hué has about 250000 citizens and is known as the old imperial town. Here 13 Emperors have...

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July 13, 2001


Hanoi Note: This trip was done in 2001 and 2002 Hanoi is Vietnam’s capital town with 3 million citizens (8 millions in 2019) .From...

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July 12, 2001


DMZ Note: This trip was done in 2001. We also made a one-day excursion from Hué to the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). DMZ consists of...

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