Sabah – Kota Kinabalu / Mount Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu
The Capital town in Sabah is Kota Kinabalu (or simply K.K) and it has about 200,000 citizens.
The citizens are mainly Malay, Chinese, and immigrants from the Philippines.
K.K is of course the starting point for further jungle adventures in Sabah, and to get permission to access Mount Kinabalu.
Mount Kinabalu
The mountain Mount Kinabalu is the highest mountain in South East Asia standing at 4101m.
The mountain is located in the middle of Kinabalu National Park. To climb up the mountain there is no need for ropes or other climbing equipment, but a good physique and warm clothes are needed.

We stayed overnight in a cottage called Laban Rata which is located at about 3300 m.
Here, the temperature was only a few degrees (C) above zero and it was really good to have a heater in the small room.
The plan was to climb up to the top in the early morning to see the sunrise but we had bad luck with the weather. It was raining and storming and the guides advised everyone not to climb any further.